Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Tripping with Salvia Extracts 3

...enabling us to watch the world, this "angel" is showing me as in fast motion movie, how makind is turning bad, I watch some nukes exploding, I manage to get closer, like if I'm hovering the whole castle, how humanity is wiped out by nuclear explosions, I can't hold my sight more, I don't want to see it and I turn around, I I had the feeling of watching hopelessly my house burning down with all my family inside.

This angel, waving his hands, heals my pain, he asks me to look at the earth again, I look again, and I see Earth is normal again. I smile to him thanking him, I get out of there and I realize I'm at my room again, looking at the ceiling, relaxed.

I don't fully control my experiences, but I guess I'm getting experienced, guess that it is because I buy salvia is called "standardized", this way I know exactly the dose I'm buying.

I'll tell you about my next experience on salvia extract right after I do it.

Have a great day.

You can get Salvia Divinorum at

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